-Converted with LaTeX2HTML 96.1-h (September 30, 1996) by Nikos Drakos (nikos@cbl.leeds.ac.uk), CBLU, University of Leeds -
There is very little that the user needs to do in order to use FTOOLS in the IRAF environment. If the user has not already done so, the standard IRAF user setup should be made. To do this the user should log into their account on a system where IRAF is installed. Then create a directory under the home directory in this account named iraf with the unix command:
1.0cm >mkdir iraf
Next change directory to the newly created iraf directory with the command:
1.0cm >cd iraf
Setup IRAF for this account by issuing the command:
1.0cm >mkiraf
The user will be asked for a terminal type. Enter the terminal type associated with the terminal you will typically use to start up IRAF. This will cause a script file named login.cl to be created under the iraf directory, along with a new subdirectory named uparm to contain IRAF user parameter files. To start up IRAF the user simply enters the command:
1.0cm >cl
from within the iraf directory. Once IRAF has started up a list of available packages are displayed. Among these is the ftools package. To load a package simply enter its name:
1.0cm cl>ftools
This will then display a list of all the FTOOLS sub-packages. As of release 3.6 there are eleven sub-packages:
1.0cm ft>futils
To get a simplified one line statement of the purpose of each futils task by entering the command:
1.0cm fu>help
If more detailed help is needed for a particular task enter the help command followed by the name of the task:
1.0cm fu>help fdump
The online help also provides examples to assist the IRAF novice.
Several of the FTOOLS are declared as external tasks within IRAF and will not be available for use in IRAF unless the HOST system version of the FTOOLS is installed and the users have their account properly setup to use the HOST version. These are faintdfe, fplot, gqaplot, pconfig, pget, plist, pquery, pset, punlearn, sisclean, sisgbr, sqaplot, and brcaldb. Similarly, there are a number of useful Perl scripts which are part of the HOST version of FTOOLS; these are also implemented as external or ``foreign'' tasks within IRAF.