The current release of FTOOLS has the following tasks and Perl scripts
implemented within the twelve sub-packages. Additional help for each
task can be found through the IRAF help facility or with the Host
task once the FTOOLS package has been loaded.
1.0cm ASCA specific FITS tasks:
add_sis_rmf - [P] Reports percentage of counts in evtfile in each chip
ascaarf - Generates an ASCA ARF file for an input PHA file
ascaeffmap - Generates an ASCA EFF detector image file for an input PHA file
ascaexpo - Generate an exposure map for an ASCA observation.
ascalin - Produce the ASCA calibrated science file data products
ascascreen - [P] Cleans raw ASCA science files
ascatape - Read FITS files off NASA/GSFC/ADF supplied ASCA
data distribution tapes.
aspect - Computes the Euler angles of the best aspect point
attitude - Compute summary information for an ASCA attitude file
cleansis - Detect anomalous ASCA SIS pixel values and output the cleaned
events file with a 'hot pixel' extension appended
dfe2mkf - Insert output information of FAINTDFE into existing MKF file
faint - Convert ASCA faint mode data to a bright mode format
faintdfe - Calculate the dark frame error for SIS FAINT mode data ***
fasttime - Corrects SIS FAST mode data times
fastwmap - Add a WMAP to a FAST mode spectral file.
ghkcurve - Extract light curve from ASCA GIS housekeeping file.
ghkdump - Display GIS housekeeping parameters of the GIS HK file
gisrti - Compute Rise Time Invariant value in GIS PH mode science file
gqaplot - ASCA GIS quick analysis ftool ***
ldeadtime - Carry out deadtime correction for FITS light curves.
mkdtime - Calculates the deadtime fractions for the GIS
modalid - Print the space craft modal configuration
sisclean - Plot frequency histogram of an SIS image file and apply an
intensity threshold cut ***
sisgbr - [P] QDP fit branching ratios derived from FITS data
sishist - Frequency histogram of an image created from an SIS event file
sispi - Fills PI column of ASCA SIS event files.
sisrmg - Generate SIS instrument response matrix
sqaplot - ASCA SIS quick analysis ftool ***
timeconv - Convert from satellite to barycentric (use with caution on SUN)
1.0cm Calibration Database (Caldb) specific FITS tasks:
addarf - Adds two or more Ancillary Response Files (ARFs)
addrmf - Adds together two or more RMFs
brcaldb - Browse the Caldb data holdings
calcrpsf - Calculates a radial point spread function
caldbinfo - Checks whether a local CALDB is correctly installed
for a user
caldbflag - switches flag status of calibration files in a CIF
chkcif - Check entries in a Calibration Index File
crcif - Creates an empty Calibration Index File
cmppha - Converts a TYPE II to a TYPE I OGIP pha file
col2img - Converts a collimator response dataset to an image
dmprmf - Displays OGIP standard Response FITS file
gcorpha - remaps PHA channels from SPECTRUM extension.
gcorrmf - Remaps a detector redistribution matrix in channel-space
lstgood - List "good" files found in a Calibration Index File
marfrmf - Multiplies an ancillary response file by a redist matrix
mkcaldb - Create a Calibration Database
mkcaldir - Create the Caldb directory structure
mkcalinit - Create a caldbinit file
quzcif - Interrogates Caldb for location of a dataset
rbnrpsf - Rebins a radial point spread function
rpsf2eef - Converts a radial PSF (RPSF) dataset to a radial
encircled energy function (REEF) dataset.
rsp2rmf - Converts SF format response matrices to OGIP FITS format
rpsfqdp - Converts OGIP format radial profile file to ASCII QDP
rbnrmf - Physically compresses a RMF file
st2rpsf - Reads STWFITS file and writes an OGIP RPSF file
stcal - Stores one or more calibration files in the Caldb
stw2pha - Converts stw PHA file to OGIP FITS format
udcif - Adds a calibration file to a CIF
1.0cm Einstein specific FITS tasks:
sssarf - creates an Ancillary Response File (ARF) for Einstein SSS PHA data
sssbck - builds the EINSTEIN SSS background PHA files for a given source obsn
1.0cm Examples Package:
cdummyftool - "Hello World" C ftool example/template
saextrct - Creates lightcurve and/or spectrum from science array vectors.
sebitmask - Creates bitmask for filtering SE data with FSELECT.
seexpd - Reads science events data and outputs generic FITS files.
seextrct - Creates lightcurve and/or spectrum from science events data.
sachip - [P] Runs SAEXTRCT and FPLOT once from command line.
saplot - [P] Cyclically queries the user for additional SA files and
then runs SAEXTRCT and FPLOT, for SOF.
sefilter - [P] Helps the user generate an expression that is fed into
SEBITMASK and examines the result to determine if the file
can be directly input into SEEXTRCT for filtering, or if it
first needs to be input to FSELECT.
seplot - [P] Cyclically queries the user for additional SE files and
then runs SEEXTRCT and FPLOT, for SOF.
seselect - [P] Runs SEBITMASK and FSELECT to generate a FITS file.
timetrans - [P] Translate relative time range to an absolute time range
by reading XTE produced .lc files.