Directory Selection Window

Directory Selection Window

The Directory Selection window is basically a smaller version of the "File selection" window, but it only displays directories which exist. The user must select one of these directories before flaunch can change into the selected directory. There is one major difference between the Directory Selection window and the File Selection window (other than some options missing), and that is that the OK button MUST be used to return the appropriate directory to the calling procedure, double-clicking with Button-1 of your mouse will take you to that directory so that you can see what is in that directory. This allows the user the same ease of movement without hindering the functionality of the window.

Note: The Directory Selection window and the File Selection window rely upon the same procedures, as such they cannot co-exist at the same time without the potential for posible conflicts arising. Thus the window is destroyed and recreated each time it is called. This should not be a problem is the user is calling this window as intended. This window should be called, and used immediately after its creation before the user moves on to other things.

The Help menu button is the only one which has multiple options, the File menubutton only contains the close option, and the OK button (accessible by Ctrl+o) returns the selected item to the calling routine. The Help button allows the user to view more information on the window, i.e., this window, or will display all available information.


Brian K. Elza
Last modified: Tue Jul 29 12:29:40 EDT