DAOPHOT library
List of Routines
Routine Descriptions
[Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: APER PURPOSE: Compute concentric aperture photometry (adapted from DAOPHOT) EXPLANATION: APER can compute photometry in several user-specified aperture radii. A separate sky value is computed for each source using specified inner and outer sky radii. CALLING SEQUENCE: APER, image, xc, yc, [ mags, errap, sky, skyerr, phpadu, apr, skyrad, badpix, PRINT = , /SILENT, /FLUX, SETSKYVAL = ] INPUTS: IMAGE - input image array XC - vector of x coordinates. YC - vector of y coordinates OPTIONAL INPUTS: PHPADU - Photons per Analog Digital Units, numeric scalar. Converts the data numbers in IMAGE to photon units. (APER assumes Poisson statistics.) APR - Vector of up to 12 REAL photometry aperture radii. SKYRAD - Two element vector giving the inner and outer radii to be used for the sky annulus BADPIX - Two element vector giving the minimum and maximum value of a good pix (Default [-32765,32767]) OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: PRINT - if set and non-zero then APER will also write its results to a file APER.PRT. One can specify the output file name by setting PRINT = 'filename'. SILENT - If supplied and non-zero then no output is displayed to the terminal. FLUX - If set, output fluxes instead of magnitudes. SETSKYVAL - Use this keyword to force the sky to a specified value rather than have APER compute a sky value. SETSKYVAL can either be a scalar specifying the sky value to use for all sources, or a 3 element vector specifying the sky value, the sigma of the sky value, and the number of elements used to compute a sky value. The 3 element form of SETSKYVAL is needed for accurate error budgeting. OUTPUTS: MAGS - NAPER by NSTAR array giving the magnitude for each star in each aperture. (NAPER is the number of apertures, and NSTAR is the number of stars). A flux of 1 digital unit is assigned a zero point magnitude of 25. ERRAP - NAPER by NSTAR array giving error in magnitude for each star. If a magnitude could not be deter- mined then ERRAP = 9.99. SKY - NSTAR element vector giving sky value for each star SKYERR - NSTAR element vector giving error in sky values PROCEDURES USED: DATATYPE(), GETOPT, MMM, STRN(), STRNUMBER() REVISON HISTORY: Adapted to IDL from DAOPHOT June, 1989 B. Pfarr, STX Adapted for IDL Version 2, J. Isensee, July, 1990 Code, documentation spiffed up W. Landsman August 1991 TEXTOUT may be a string W. Landsman September 1995 FLUX keyword added J. E. Hollis, February, 1996 SETSKYVAL keyword, increase maxsky W. Landsman, May 1997 Work for more than 32767 stars W. Landsman, August 1997(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/aper.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: CNTRD PURPOSE: Compute the centroid coordinates of a stellar object using the algorithm in the DAOPHOT FIND subroutine. CALLING SEQUENCE: CNTRD, img, x, y, xcen, ycen, [ fwhm , /SILENT, /DEBUG] INPUTS: IMG - Two dimensional image array X,Y - Scalar or vector integers giving approximate stellar center OPTIONAL INPUT: FWHM - floating scalar; Centroid is computed using a box of half width equal to 1.5 sigma = 0.637* FWHM. CNTRD will prompt for FWHM if not supplied OUTPUTS: XCEN - the computed X centroid position, same number of points as X YCEN - computed Y centroid position, same number of points as Y Values for XCEN and YCEN will not be computed if the computed centroid falls outside of the box, or if the computed derivatives are non-decreasing. If the centroid cannot be computed, then a message is displayed and XCEN and YCEN are set to -1. OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORDS: SILENT - Normally CNTRD prints an error message if it is unable to compute the centroid. Set /SILENT to suppress this. DEBUG - If this keyword is set, then CNTRD will display the subarray it is using to compute the centroid. PROCEDURE: Maximum pixel within distance from input pixel X, Y determined from FHWM is found and used as the center of a square, within which the centroid is computed as the value (XCEN,YCEN) at which the derivatives of the partial sums of the input image over (y,x) with respect to (x,y) = 0. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2/25/86, by J. K. Hill, S.A.S.C., following algorithm used by P. Stetson in DAOPHOT. Allowed input vectors G. Hennessy April, 1992 Fixed to prevent wrong answer if floating pt. X & Y supplied W. Landsman March, 1993 Convert byte, integer subimages to float W. Landsman May 1995(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/cntrd.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: DAOERF PURPOSE: Calulates the intensity, and derivatives, of a 2-d Gaussian PSF EXPLANATION: Corrects for the finite size of a pixel by integrating the Gaussian over the size of the pixel. Used in the IDL-DAOPHOT sequence. CALLING SEQUENCE: DAOERF, XIN, YIN, A, F, [ PDER ] INPUTS: XIN - input scalar, vector or array, giving X coordinate values YIN - input scalar, vector or array, giving Y coordinate values, must have same number of elements as XIN. A - 5 element parameter array describing the Gaussian A(0) - peak intensity A(1) - X position of peak intensity (centroid) A(2) - Y position of peak intensity (centroid) A(3) - X sigma of the gaussian (=FWHM/2.345) A(4) - Y sigma of gaussian OUTPUTS: F - array containing value of the function at each (XIN,YIN) The number of output elements in F and PDER is identical with the number of elements in X and Y OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: PDER - 2 dimensional array of size (NPTS,5) giving the analytic derivative at each value of F with respect to each parameter A. REVISION HISTORY: Written: W. Landsman October, 1987(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/daoerf.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: DAO_VALUE PURPOSE: Returns the value of a DAOPHOT point-spread function at a set of points. EXPLANATION: The value of the point-spread function is the sum of a two-dimensional integral under a bivariate Gaussian function, and a value obtained by interpolation in a look-up table. DAO_VALUE will optionally compute the derivatives wrt X and Y CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = DAO_VALUE( xx, yy, gauss, psf, [ dvdx, dvdy ] ) INPUTS: XX,YY - the real coordinates of the desired point relative to the centroid of the point-spread function. GAUSS - 5 element vector describing the bivariate Gaussian GAUSS(0)- the peak height of the best-fitting Gaussian profile. GAUSS(1,2) - x and y offsets from the centroid of the point-spread function to the center of the best-fitting Gaussian. GAUSS(3,4) - the x and y sigmas of the best-fitting Gaussian. PSF - a NPSF by NPSF array containing the look-up table. OUTPUTS: RESULT - the computed value of the point-spread function at a position XX, YY relative to its centroid (which coincides with the center of the central pixel of the look-up table). OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: DVDX,DVDY - the first derivatives of the composite point-spread function with respect to x and y. NOTES although the arguments XX,YY of the function DAO_VALUE are relative to the centroid of the PSF, the function RINTER which DAO_VALUE calls requires coordinates relative to the corner of the array (see code). PROCEDURES CALLED: DAOERF, RINTER() REVISON HISTORY: Adapted to IDL by B. Pfarr, STX, 11/17/87 from 1986 STSDAS version of DAOPHOT(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/dao_value.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: FIND PURPOSE: Find positive brightness perturbations (i.e stars) in an image EXPLANATION: Also returns centroids and shape parameters (roundness & sharpness). Adapted from 1986 STSDAS version of DAOPHOT. CALLING SEQUENCE: FIND, image, [ x, y, flux, sharp, round, hmin, fwhm, roundlim, sharplim PRINT= , /SILENT ] INPUTS: image - 2 dimensional image array (integer or real) for which one wishes to identify the stars present OPTIONAL INPUTS: FIND will prompt for these parameters if not supplied hmin - Threshold intensity for a point source - should generally be 3 or 4 sigma above background fwhm - FWHM to be used in the convolve filter sharplim - 2 element vector giving low and high cutoff for the sharpness statistic (Default: [0.2,1.0] ). Change this default only if the stars have siginificantly larger or or smaller concentration than a Gaussian roundlim - 2 element vector giving low and high cutoff for the roundness statistic (Default: [-1.0,1.0] ). Change this default only if the stars are significantly elongated. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: SILENT - Normally, FIND will write out each star that meets all selection criteria. If the SILENT keyword is set and non-zero, then this printout is suppressed. PRINT - if set and non-zero then T_FIND will also write its results to a file FIND.PRT. Also one can specify a different output file name by setting PRINT = 'filename'. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: x - vector containing x position of all stars identified by FIND y- vector containing y position of all stars identified by FIND flux - vector containing flux of identified stars as determined by a gaussian fit. Fluxes are NOT converted to magnitudes. sharp - vector containing sharpness statistic for identified stars round - vector containing roundness statistic for identified stars NOTES: The sharpness statistic compares the central pixel to the mean of the surrounding pixels. If this difference is greater than the originally estimated height of the Gaussian or less than 0.2 the height of the Gaussian (for the default values of SHARPLIM) then the star will be rejected. PROCEDURE CALLS: DATATYPE(), GETOPT REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman, STX February, 1987 ROUND now an internal function in V3.1 W. Landsman July 1993 Change variable name DERIV to DERIVAT W. Landsman Feb. 1996 Use /PRINT keyword instead of TEXTOUT W. Landsman May 1996 Changed loop indicies to type LONG W. Landsman Aug. 1997(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/find.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: GETPSF PURPOSE: To generate a point-spread function (PSF) from observed stars. EXPLANATION: The PSF is represented as a 2-dimensional Gaussian (integrated over each pixel) and a lookup table of residuals. The lookup table and Gaussian parameters are output in a FITS image file. The PSF FITS file created by GETPSF can be read with the procedure RDPSF. Adapted from the 1986 STSDAS version of DAOPHOT CALLING SEQUENCE: GETPSF, image, xc, yc, apmag, sky, [ronois, phpadu, gauss, psf, idpsf, psfrad, fitrad, psfname, /DEBUG ] INPUTS: IMAGE - input image array XC - input vector of x coordinates (from FIND), these should be IDL (first pixel is (0,0)) convention. YC - input vector of y coordinates (from FIND) APMAG - vector of magnitudes (from APER), used for initial estimate of gaussian intensity. If APMAG is multidimensional, (more than 1 aperture was used in APER) then the first aperture is used. SKY - vector of sky values (from APER) OPTIONAL INPUTS: The user will be prompted for the following parameters if not supplied. RONOIS - readout noise per pixel, (in electrons, or equivalent photons) PHPADU - photons per analog digital unit, used to scale the data numbers in IMAGE into photon units IDPSF - subscripts of the list of stars created by APER which will be used to define the PSF. Stars whose centroid does not fall within PSFRAD of the edge of the frame, or for which a Gaussian fit requires more than 25 iterations, will be ignored when creating the final PSF. PSFRAD - the scalar radius, in pixels, of the circular area within which the PSF will be defined. This should be slightly larger than the radius of the brightest star that one will be interested in. FITRAD - the scalar radius, in pixels of the circular area used in the least-square star fits. Stetson suggest that FITRAD should approximately equal to the FWHM, slightly less for crowded fields. (FITRAD must be smaller than PSFRAD.) PSFNAME- Name of the FITS file that will contain the table of residuals, and the best-fit Gaussian parameters. This file is subsequently required for use by NSTAR. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: GAUSS - 5 element vector giving parameters of gaussian fit to the first PSF star GAUSS(0) - height of the gaussian (above sky) GAUSS(1) - the offset (in pixels) of the best fitting gaussian and the original X centroid GAUSS(2) - similiar offset from the Y centroid GAUSS(3) - Gaussian sigma in X GAUSS(4) - Gaussian sigma in Y PSF - 2-d array of PSF residuals after a Gaussian fit. PROCEDURE: GETPSF fits a Gaussian profile to the core of the first PSF star and generates a look-up table of the residuals of the actual image data from the Gaussian fit. If desired, it will then fit this PSF to another star (using PKFIT) to determine its precise centroid, scale the same Gaussian to the new star's core, and add the differences between the actual data and the scaled Gaussian to the table of residuals. (In other words, the Gaussian fit is performed only on the first star.) OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: DEBUG - if this keyword is set and non-zero, then the result of each fitting iteration will be displayed. PROCEDURES CALLED DAOERF, MAKE_2D, MKHDR, RINTER(), PKFIT, STRNUMBER(), STRN(), WRITEFITS REVISON HISTORY: Adapted from the 1986 version of DAOPHOT in STSDAS IDL Version 2 W Landsman November 1988 Use DEBUG keyword instead of !DEBUG W. Landsman May 1996(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/getpsf.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: GROUP PURPOSE: Assign stars with non-overlapping PSF profiles into distinct groups EXPLANATION: Part of the IDL-DAOPHOT sequence CALLING SEQUENCE: GROUP, X, Y, RCRIT, NGROUP INPUTS: X - vector, giving X coordinates of a set of stars. Y - vector, giving Y coordinates of a set of stars. RCRIT - scalar, giving minimum distance between stars of two distinct groups. Stars less than this distance from each other are always in the same group. Stetson suggests setting the critical distance equal to the PSF radius + the Fitting radius. OUTPUTS: NGROUP - integer vector, same number of elements as X and Y, giving a group number for each star position. Group numbering begins with 0. METHOD: Each position is initially given a unique group number. The distance of each star is computed against every other star. Those distances less than RCRIT are assigned the minimum group number of the set. A check is then made to see if any groups have merged together. PROCEDURES USED: REM_DUP() REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman STX April, 1988 Major revision to properly merge groups together W. Landsman Sep 1991 Work for more than 32767 points W. Landsman March 1997(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/group.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: MMM PURPOSE: Estimate the sky background in a stellar contaminated field. EXPLANATION: MMM assumes that contaminated sky pixel values overwhelmingly display POSITIVE departures from the true value. Adapted from DAOPHOT routine of the same name. CALLING SEQUENCE: MMM, sky, [ skymde, sigma, skew, HIGHBAD = , DEBUG = ] INPUTS: SKY - Array or Vector containing sky values. This version of MMM does not require SKY to be sorted beforehand. SKY is unaltered by this program. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: SKYMDE - Scalar giving estimated mode of the sky values SIGMA - Scalar giving standard deviation of the peak in the sky histogram. If for some reason it is impossible to derive SKYMDE, then SIGMA = -1.0 SKEW - Scalar giving skewness of the peak in the sky histogram If no output variables are supplied or if /DEBUG is set then the values of SKYMDE, SIGMA and SKEW will be printed. OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: HIGHBAD - scalar value of the high "bad" pixel level (e.g. cosmic rays) If not supplied, then there is assumed to be no high bad pixels. DEBUG - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then additional information is displayed at the terminal. RESTRICTIONS: Program assumes that low "bad" pixels (e.g. bad CCD columns) have already been deleted from the SKY vector. METHOD: The algorithm used by MMM consists of roughly two parts: (1) The average and sigma of the sky pixels is computed. These values are used to eliminate outliers, i.e. values with a low probability given a Gaussian with specified average and sigma. The average and sigma are then recomputed and the process repeated up to 20 iterations: (2) The amount of contamination by stars is estimated by comparing the mean and median of the remaining sky pixels. If the mean is larger than the median then the true sky value is estimated by 3*median - 2*mean REVISION HISTORY: Adapted to IDL from 1986 version of DAOPHOT in STSDAS, W. Landsman, STX Feb 1987 Adapted for IDL Version 2, J. Isensee, STX, Sept 1990 Added HIGHBAD keyword, W. Landsman January, 1991 Fixed occasional problem with integer inputs W. Landsman Feb, 1994(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/mmm.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: NSTAR PURPOSE: Simultaneous point spread function fitting (adapted from DAOPHOT) CALLING SEQUENCE: NSTAR, image, id, xc, yc, mags, sky, group, [ phpadu, readns, psfname, magerr, iter, chisq, peak, /PRINT , /SILENT, /VARSKY, /DEBUG ] INPUTS: image - image array id - vector of stellar ID numbers given by FIND xc - vector containing X position centroids of stars (e.g. as found by FIND) yc - vector of Y position centroids mags - vector of aperture magnitudes (e.g. as found by APER) If 9 or more parameters are supplied then, upon output ID,XC,YC, and MAGS will be modified to contain the new values of these parameters as determined by NSTAR. Note that the number of output stars may be less than the number of input stars since stars may converge, or "disappear" because they are too faint. sky - vector of sky background values (e.g. as found by APER) group - vector containing group id's of stars as found by GROUP OPTIONAL INPUT: phpadu - numeric scalar giving number of photons per digital unit. Needed for computing Poisson error statistics. readns - readout noise per pixel, numeric scalar. If not supplied, NSTAR will try to read the values of READNS and PHPADU from the PSF header. If still not found, user will be prompted. psfname - name of FITS image file containing the point spread function residuals as determined by GETPSF, scalar string. If omitted, then NSTAR will prompt for this parameter. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: MAGERR - vector of errors in the magnitudes found by NSTAR ITER - vector containing the number of iterations required for each output star. CHISQ- vector containing the chi square of the PSF fit for each output star. PEAK - vector containing the difference of the mean residual of the pixels in the outer half of the fitting circle and the mean residual of pixels in the inner half of the fitting circle OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: SILENT - if set and non-zero, then NSTAR will not display its results at the terminal PRINT - if set and non-zero then NSTAR will also write its results to a file NSTAR.PRT. One also can specify the output file name by setting PRINT = 'filename'. VARSKY - if this keyword is set and non-zero, then the sky level of each group is set as a free parameter. DEBUG - if this keyword is set and non-zero, then the result of each fitting iteration will be displayed. PROCEDURES USED: DAO_VALUE(), READFITS(), REMOVE, SPEC_DIR(), STRN(), SXPAR() COMMON BLOCK: RINTER - contains pre-tabulated values for cubic interpolation REVISION HISTORY W. Landsman ST Systems Co. May, 1988 Adapted for IDL Version 2, J. Isensee, September, 1990 Minor fixes so that PRINT='filename' really prints to 'filename', and it really silent if SILENT is set. J.Wm.Parker HSTX 1995-Oct-31 Added /VARSKY option W. Landsman HSTX May 1996(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/nstar.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: PKFIT PURPOSE: Subroutine of GETPSF to perform a one-star least-squares fit EXPLANATION: Part of the DAOPHOT PSF photometry sequence CALLING SEQUENCE: PKFIT, f, scale, x, y, sky, radius, ronois, phpadu, gauss, psf, errmag, chi, sharp, Niter, /DEBUG INPUTS: F - NX by NY array containing actual picture data. X, Y - the initial estimates of the centroid of the star relative to the corner (0,0) of the subarray. Upon return, the final computed values of X and Y will be passed back to the calling routine. SKY - the local sky brightness value, as obtained from APER RADIUS- the fitting radius-- only pixels within RADIUS of the instantaneous estimate of the star's centroid will be included in the fit, scalar RONOIS - readout noise per pixel, scalar PHPADU - photons per analog digital unit, scalar GAUSS - vector containing the values of the five parameters defining the analytic Gaussian which approximates the core of the PSF. PSF - an NPSF by NPSF look-up table containing corrections from the Gaussian approximation of the PSF to the true PSF. INPUT-OUTPUT: SCALE - the initial estimate of the brightness of the star, expressed as a fraction of the brightness of the PSF. Upon return, the final computed value of SCALE will be passed back to the calling routine. OUTPUTS: ERRMAG - the estimated standard error of the value of SCALE returned by this routine. CHI - the estimated goodness-of-fit statistic: the ratio of the observed pixel-to-pixel mean absolute deviation from the profile fit, to the value expected on the basis of the noise as determined from Poisson statistics and the readout noise. SHARP - a goodness-of-fit statistic describing how much broader the actual profile of the object appears than the profile of the PSF. NITER - the number of iterations the solution required to achieve convergence. If NITER = 25, the solution did not converge. If for some reason a singular matrix occurs during the least- squares solution, this will be flagged by setting NITER = -1. RESTRICTIONS: No parameter checking is performed REVISON HISTORY: Adapted from the official DAO version of 1985 January 25 Version 2.0 W. Landsman STX November 1988(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/pkfit.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: RDPSF PURPOSE: Read the FITS file created by GETPSF in the DAOPHOT sequence EXPLANATION: Combines the Gaussian with the residuals to create an output PSF array. CALLING SEQUENCE: RDPSF, PSF, HPSF, [ PSFNAME] OPTIONAL INPUTS psfname - string giving the name of the FITS file containing the PSF residuals OUTPUTS psf - array containing the actual PSF hpsf - header associated with psf PROCEDURES CALLED: DAO_VALUE(), MAKE_2D, SXADDPAR, READFITS(), SXPAR() REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman December, 1988 Checked for IDL Version 2, J. Isensee & J. Hill, December, 1990(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/rdpsf.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: SKY PURPOSE: Determine the sky level in an image using the the procedure MMM EXPLANATION: Approximately 4000 uniformly spaced pixels are selected for the computation. Adapted from the DAOPHOT routine of the same name. CALLING SEQUENCE: SKY, image, [ skymode, skysig, CIRCLE = ,/SILENT ] INPUTS: IMAGE - One or two dimensional array OPTIONAL OUTPUT ARRAYS: SKYMODE - Scalar, giving the mode of the sky pixel values of the array IMAGE, as determined by the procedure MMM. SKYSIG - Scalar, giving standard deviation of sky brightness INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CIRCLERAD - Use the keyword to have SKY only select pixels within the specified pixel radius of the center of the image. If CIRCLERAD = 1, then the radius is set equal to half the image width. Useful when the data is restricted to a circular area of the image. SILENT - If this keyword is supplied and non-zero, then SKY will not display the sky value and sigma at the terminal PROCEDURE: A regular grid of points, not exceeding 4000 in number, is extracted from the image array. The mode of these pixel values is determined by the procedure MMM. PROCEDURE CALLS: MMM REVISION HISTORY: Written, W. Landsman STX Co. September, 1987 Changed INDGEN to LINDGEN January, 1994 Fixed display of # of points used March, 1994(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/sky.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: SRCOR PURPOSE: Correlate the source positions found on two lists. CALLING SEQUENCE: srcor,x1in,ylin,x2in,y2in,dcr,ind1,ind2 INPUTS: x1in,y1in - First set of x and y coordinates. The program marches through this list element by element, looking in list 2 for the closest match. So, the program will run faster if this is the shorter of the two lists. Unless you use the option or magnitude keyword, there is nothing to guarantee unique matches. x2in,y2in - Second set of x and y coordinates. This list is searched in its entirety every time one element of list 1 is processed. dcr - Critical radius outside which correlations are rejected; but see 'option' below. OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: option - Changes behavior of program and description of output lists slightly, as follows: OPTION=0 or left out Same as older versions of SRCOR. The closest match from list2 is found for each element of list 1, but if the distance is greater than DCR, the match is thrown out. Thus the index of that element within list 1 will not appear in the IND1 output array. OPTION=1 Forces the output mapping to be one-to-one. OPTION=0 results, in general, in a many-to-one mapping from list 1 to list 2. Under OPTION=1, a further processing step is performed to keep only the minimum-distance match, whenever an entry from list 1 appears more than once in the initial mapping. OPTION=2 Same as OPTION=1, except the critical distance parameter DCR is ignored. I.e., the closest object is retrieved from list 2 for each object in list 1 WITHOUT a critical-radius criterion, then the clean-up of duplicates is done as under OPTION=1. magnitude An array of stellar magnitudes corresponding to x1in and y1in. If this is supplied, then the brightest star from list 1 within the selected distance of the star in list 2 is taken. The option keyword is ignored in this case. spherical If SPHERICAL=1, it is assumed that the input arrays are in celestial coordinates (RA and Dec), with x1in and x2in in decimal hours and y1in and y2in in decimal degrees. If SPHERICAL=2 then it is assumed that the input arrays are in longitude and latitude with x1in,x2in,y1in,y2in in decimal degrees. In both cases, the critial radius dcr is in *arcseconds*. Calculations of spherical distances are made with the gcirc program. OUTPUTS: ind1 - index of matched stars in first list ind2 - index of matched stars in second list COMMON BLOCKS: none SIDE EFFECTS: none METHOD: See under keyword LEVEL above. REVISON HISTORY: Adapted from UIT procedure J.Wm.Parker, SwRI 29 July 1997(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/srcor.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: SUBSTAR PURPOSE: Subtract a scaled point spread function at specified star position(s). EXPLANATION: Part of the IDL-DAOPHOT photometry sequence CALLING SEQUENCE: SUBSTAR, image, x, y, mag, [ id, psfname, /VERBOSE] INPUT-OUTPUT: IMAGE - On input, IMAGE is the original image array. A scaled PSF will be subtracted from IMAGE at specified star positions. Make a copy of IMAGE before calling SUBSTAR, if you want to keep a copy of the unsubtracted image array INPUTS: X - REAL Vector of X positions found by NSTAR (or FIND) Y - REAL Vector of Y positions found by NSTAR (or FIND) MAG - REAL Vector of stellar magnitudes found by NSTAR (or APER) Used to scale the PSF to match intensity at star position. Stars with magnitude values of 0.0 are assumed missing and ignored in the subtraction. OPTIONAL INPUTS: ID - Index vector indicating which stars are to be subtracted. If omitted, (or set equal to -1), then stars will be subtracted at all positions specified by the X and Y vectors. PSFNAME - Name of the FITS file containing the PSF residuals, as generated by GETPSF. SUBSTAR will prompt for this parameter if not supplied. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: VERBOSE - If this keyword is set and nonzero, then SUBSTAR will display the star that it is currently processing COMMON BLOCKS: The RINTER common block is used (see RINTER.PRO) to save time in the PSF calculations PROCEDURES CALLED: DAO_VALUE(), READFITS(), REMOVE, SXOPEN, SXPAR(), SXREAD() REVISION HISTORY: Written, W. Landsman August, 1988 Added VERBOSE keyword January, 1992 Fix star subtraction near edges, W. Landsman May, 1996 Assume the PSF file is in FITS format W. Landsman July, 1997(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/substar.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: T_APER PURPOSE: Driver procedure (for APER) to compute concentric aperture photometry. EXPLANATION: Data is read from and written to disk FITS ASCII tables. Part of the IDL-DAOPHOT photometry sequence CALLING SEQUENCE: T_APER, image, fitsfile, [ apr, skyrad, badpix, PRINT=, NEWTABLE=, /SILENT, SETSKYVAL = ] INPUTS: IMAGE - input data array FITSFILE - disk FITS ASCII table name (from T_FIND). Must contain the keywords 'X' and 'Y' giving the centroid of the source positions in FORTRAN (first pixel is 1) convention. An extension of .fit is assumed if not supplied. OPTIONAL INPUTS: User will be prompted for the following parameters if not supplied. APR - Vector of up to 12 REAL photometry aperture radii. SKYRAD - Two element vector giving the inner and outer radii to be used for the sky annulus BADPIX - Two element vector giving the minimum and maximum value of a good pixel (Default [-32765,32767]) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS INPUTS: PRINT - if set and non-zero then NSTAR will also write its results to a file aper.prt. One can specify a different output file name by setting PRINT = 'filename'. SILENT - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then APER will not display photometry results at the screen, and the results will be automatically incorporated in the FITS table without prompting the user NEWTABLE - Name of output disk FITS ASCII table, scalar string. If not supplied, then the input FITSFILE will be updated with the aperture photometry results. SETSKYVAL - Use this keyword to force the sky to a specified value rather than have APER compute a sky value. SETSKYVAL can either be a scalar specifying the sky value to use for all sources, or a 3 element vector specifying the sky value, the sigma of the sky value, and the number of elements used to compute a sky value. The 3 element form of SETSKYVAL is needed for accurate error budgeting. PROMPTS: T_APER requires the number of photons per analog digital unit (PHPADU), so that it can compute Poisson noise statistics to assign photometry errors. It first tries to find the PHPADU keyword in the original image header, and if not found will look for the GAIN, CCDGAIN and finally ATODGAIN keywords. If still not found, T_APER will prompt the user for this value. PROCEDURES: APER, FTADDCOL, FTGET(), FTINFO, FTPUT, READFITS(), SXADDPAR, SXPAR(), WRITEFITS REVISON HISTORY: Written W. Landsman ST Systems Co. May 1988 Store results as flux or magnitude August 1988 Added SILENT keyword W. Landsman Sep. 1991 Changed ERR SKY to ERR_SKY W. Landsman March 1996 Replace TEXTOUT keyword with PRINT keyword W. Landsman May 1996 Check CCDGAIN or ATODGAIN keywords to find phpadu W. Landsman May 1997(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/t_aper.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: T_FIND PURPOSE: Driver procedure (for FIND) to locate stars in an image. EXPLANATION: Finds positive brightness perturbations (i.e stars) in a 2 dimensional image. Output is to a FITS ASCII table. CALLING SEQUENCE: T_FIND, image, im_hdr, [ fitsfile, hmin, fwhm, sharplim, roundlim, PRINT = , /SILENT ] INPUTS: image - 2 dimensional image array (integer or real) for which one wishes to identify the stars present im_hdr - FITS header associated with image array OPTIONAL INPUTS: T_FIND will prompt for these parameters if not supplied fitsfile - scalar string specifying the name of the output FITS ASCII table file fwhm - FWHM to be used in the convolving filter hmin - Threshold intensity for a point source - should generally be 3 or 4 sigma above background level sharplim - 2 element vector giving low and high Limit for sharpness statistic (Default: [0.2,1.0] ) roundlim - 2 element vector giving low and high Limit for roundness statistic (Default: [-1.0,1.0] ) OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: PRINT - if set and non-zero then NSTAR will also write its results to a file FIND.PRT. One can specify the output file name by setting PRINT = 'filename'. SILENT - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then FIND will work silently, and not display each star found OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURES CALLED: CHECK_FITS, FDECOMP, FIND, FTADDCOL, FTCREATE, SXADDHIST, SXADDPAR, SXDELPAR, SXPAR(), WRITEFITS REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman, STX May, 1988 Added phpadu, J. Hill, STX, October, 1990 New calling syntax output to disk FITS table, W. Landsman May 1996 Work with more than 32767 stars W. Landsman August 1997(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/t_find.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: T_GETPSF PURPOSE: Driver procedure (for GETPSF) to generate a PSF from isolate stars. EXPLANATION: Generates a point-spread function from one or more isolated stars. List of stars is read from the FITS ASCII table output of T_APER. PSF is represented as a sum of a Gaussian plus residuals. Ouput residuals are written to a FITS image file. CALLING SEQUENCE: T_GETPSF, image, fitsfile, [ idpsf, psfrad, fitrad, psfname, /DEBUG, NEWTABLE =] INPUTS: IMAGE - image array FITSFILE - scalar string giving name of disk FITS ASCII table. Must contain the keywords 'X','Y' (from T_FIND) and 'AP1_MAG','SKY' (from T_APER). OPTIONAL INPUTS: IDPSF - vector of stellar ID indices indicating which stars are to be used to create the PSF. Not that the PSF star should be specified *not* by its STAR_ID value, but rather by the its row number (starting with 0) in the FITS table PSFRAD - the radius for which the PSF will be defined FITRAD - fitting radius, always smaller than PSFRAD PSFNAME - name of FITS image file to contain PSF residuals, scalar string GETPSF will prompt for all the above values if not supplied. OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT NEWTABLE - scalar string specifying the name of the output FITS ASCII table. If not supplied, then the input table is updated with the keyword PSF_CODE, specifying which stars were used for the PSF. DEBUG - if this keyword is set and non-zero, then the result of each fitting iteration will be displayed. PROMPTS: T_GETPSF will prompt for the readout noise (in data numbers), and the gain (in photons or electrons per data number) so that pixels can be weighted during the PSF fit. To avoid the prompt, add the keywords RONOIS and PHPADU to the FITS ASCII table header. PROCEDURES USED: FTADDCOL, FTGET(), FTPUT, GETPSF, READFITS(), SXADDHIST, SXADDPAR, SXPAR(), WRITEFITS, ZPARCHECK REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman STX May, 1988 Update PSF_CODE to indicate PSF stars in order used, W. Landsman Mar 96 I/O to FITS ASCII disk files W. Landsman May 96(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/t_getpsf.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: T_GROUP PURPOSE: Driver procedure (for GROUP) to place stars in non-overlapping groups. EXPLANATION: This procedure is part of the DAOPHOT sequence that places star positions with non-overlapping PSFs into distinct groups Input and output are to FITS ASCII tables CALLING SEQUENCE: T_GROUP, fitsfile, [ rmax, XPAR = , YPAR = , NEWTABLE = ] INPUTS: FITSFILE - Name of disk FITS ASCII table containing the X,Y positions in FITS (FORTRAN) convention (first pixel is 1,1) OPTIONAL INPUTS: rmax - maximum allowable distance between stars in a single group OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: XPAR, YPAR - scalar strings giving the field name in the output table containing the X and Y coordinates. If not supplied, then the fields 'X' and 'Y' are read. NEWTABLE - scalar giving name of output disk FITS ASCII table. If not supplied, PROCEDURES: FTADDCOL, FTGET(), FTINFO, FTPUT, GROUP, READFITS(), SXADDHIST, SXADDHIST, WRITEFITS REVISION HISTORY: Written, W. Landsman STX Co. May, 1996(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/t_group.pro)
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: T_NSTAR PURPOSE: Driver procedure (for NSTAR) for simultaneous PSF fitting. EXPLANATION: Input and output are to disk FITS ASCII tables. CALLING SEQUENCE: T_NSTAR, image, fitsfile, [psfname, groupsel, /SILENT, /PRINT NEWTABLE = , /VARSKY ] INPUTS: IMAGE - 2-d image array FITSFILE - scalar string giving name of disk FITS ASCII table. Must contain the keywords 'X','Y' (from T_FIND) 'AP1_MAG','SKY' (from T_APER) and 'GROUP_ID' (from T_GROUP). This table will be updated with the results of T_NSTAR, unless the keyword NEWTABLE is supplied. OPTIONAL INPUTS: PSFNAME - Name of the FITS file created by T_GETPSF containing PSF residuals, scalar string GROUPSEL - Scalar or vector listing the groups to process. For example, to process stars in groups 2 and 5 set GROUPSEL = [2,5]. If omitted, or set equal to -1, then NSTAR will process all groups. OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: VARSKY - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then the mean sky level in each group of stars, will be fit along with the brightness and positions. SILENT - if set and non-zero, then NSTAR will not display its results at the terminal PRINT - if set and non-zero then NSTAR will also write its results to a file NSTAR.PRT. One can specify the output file name by setting PRINT = 'filename'. NEWTABLE - Name of output disk FITS ASCII table to contain the results of NSTAR. If not supplied, then the input FITSFILE will be updated. DEBUG - if this keyword is set and non-zero, then the result of each fitting iteration will be displayed. PROCEDURES CALLED: FTADDCAL, FTINFO, FTGET(), FTPUT, NSTAR, SXADDHIST, SXADDPAR, SXPAR(), READFITS(), WRITEFITS REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman STX Co. May, 1988 Check for CCDGAIN, ATODGAIN keywords to get PHPADU W. Landsman May 1997 Fixed typo preventing compilation, groupsel parameter W.L. July 1997(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/t_nstar.pro)
[Previous Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: T_SUBSTAR PURPOSE: Driver procedure (for SUBSTAR) to subtract scaled PSF values EXPLANATION: Computes residuals of the PSF fitting program CALLING SEQUENCE: T_SUBSTAR, image, fitsfile, id,[ psfname, /VERBOSE, /NOPSF ] INPUT-OUTPUT: IMAGE - On input, IMAGE is the original image array. A scaled PSF will be subtracted from IMAGE at specified star positions. Make a copy of IMAGE before calling SUBSTAR, if you want to keep a copy of the unsubtracted image array INPUTS: FITSFILE - scalar string giving the name of the disk FITS ASCII produced as an output from T_NSTAR. OPTIONAL INPUTS: ID - Index vector indicating which stars are to be subtracted. If omitted, (or set equal to -1), then stars will be subtracted at all positions specified by the X and Y vectors. (IDL convention - zero-based subscripts) PSFNAME - Name of the FITS file containing the PSF residuals, as generated by GETPSF. SUBSTAR will prompt for this parameter if not supplied. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: VERBOSE - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then the value of each star number will be displayed as it is processed. NOPSF - if this keyword is set and non-zero, then all stars will be be subtracted *except* those used to determine the PSF. An improved PSF can then be derived from the subtracted image. If NOPSF is supplied, then the ID parameter is ignored NOTES: T_SUBSTAR does not modify the input FITS table. PROCEDURES USED: FTGET(), READFITS(), SUBSTAR REVISION HISTORY: Written, R. Hill, ST Sys. Corp., 22 August 1991 Added NOPSF keyword W. Landsman March, 1996 Use FITS format for PSF resduals July, 1997(See /local/rsi/idl_5/astron/pro/daophot/t_substar.pro)