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MagickGetCompression() gets the wand compression. The format of the MagickGetCompression method is: CompressionType MagickGetCompression(MagickWand *wand) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. MagickGetCompression() gets the wand compression quality. The format of the MagickGetCompression method is: unsigned long MagickGetCompression(MagickWand *wand) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. MagickGetCopyright() returns the ImageMagick API copyright as a string constant. The format of the MagickGetCopyright method is: const char *MagickGetCopyright(void) MagickGetException() returns the severity, reason, and description of any error that occurs when using other methods in this API. The format of the MagickGetException method is: char *MagickGetException(MagickWand *wand,ExceptionType *severity) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. severityThe severity of the error is returned here. MagickGetFilename() returns the filename associated with an image sequence. The format of the MagickGetFilename method is: const char *MagickGetFilename(const MagickWand *wand) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. MagickGetFormat() returns the format of the magick wand. The format of the MagickGetFormat method is: const char MagickGetFormat(MagickWand *wand) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. MagickGetHomeURL() returns the ImageMagick home URL. The format of the MagickGetHomeURL method is: char *MagickGetHomeURL(void) MagickGetInterlaceScheme() gets the wand interlace scheme. The format of the MagickGetInterlaceScheme method is: InterlaceType MagickGetInterlaceScheme(MagickWand *wand) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. MagickGetOption() returns a value associated with a wand and the specified key. Use MagickRelinquishMemory() to free the value when you are finished with it. The format of the MagickGetOption method is: char *MagickGetOption(MagickWand *wand,const char *key) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. keyThe key. MagickGetName() returns the ImageMagick package name as a string constant. The format of the MagickGetName method is: const char *MagickGetName(void) MagickGetPage() returns the page geometry associated with the magick wand. The format of the MagickGetPage method is: MagickBooleanType MagickGetPage(MagickWand *wand,unsigned long *width, unsigned long *height,long *x,long *y) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. widthThe page width. heightpage height. xThe page x-offset. yThe page y-offset. MagickGetQuantumDepth() returns the ImageMagick quantum depth as a string constant. The format of the MagickGetQuantumDepth method is: const char *MagickGetQuantumDepth(unsigned long *depth) A description of each parameter follows: depthThe quantum depth is returned as a number. MagickGetQuantumRange() returns the ImageMagick quantum range as a string constant. The format of the MagickGetQuantumRange method is: const char *MagickGetQuantumRange(unsigned long *range) A description of each parameter follows: rangeThe quantum range is returned as a number. MagickGetReleaseDate() returns the ImageMagick release date as a string constant. The format of the MagickGetReleaseDate method is: const char *MagickGetReleaseDate(void) MagickGetResourceLimit() returns the specified resource in megabytes. The format of the MagickGetResource method is: unsigned long MagickGetResource(const ResourceType type) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. MagickGetResourceLimit() returns the specified resource limit in megabytes. The format of the MagickGetResourceLimit method is: unsigned long MagickGetResourceLimit(const ResourceType type) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. MagickGetSamplingFactors() gets the horizontal and vertical sampling factor. The format of the MagickGetSamplingFactors method is: double *MagickGetSamplingFactor(MagickWand *wand, unsigned long *number_factors) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. number_factorsThe number of factors in the returned array. MagickGetSize() returns the size associated with the magick wand. The format of the MagickGetSize method is: MagickBooleanType MagickGetSize(const MagickWand *wand, unsigned long *columns,unsigned long *rows) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. columnsThe width in pixels. heightThe height in pixels. MagickGetVersion() returns the ImageMagick API version as a string constant and as a number. The format of the MagickGetVersion method is: const char *MagickGetVersion(unsigned long *version) A description of each parameter follows: versionThe ImageMagick version is returned as a number. MagickSetBackgroundColor() sets the wand background color. The format of the MagickSetBackgroundColor method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetBackgroundColor(MagickWand *wand, const PixelWand *background) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. backgroundThe background pixel wand. MagickSetCompression() sets the wand compression type. The format of the MagickSetCompression method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetCompression(MagickWand *wand, const CompressionType compression) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. compressionThe wand compression. MagickSetCompressionQuality() sets the wand compression quality. The format of the MagickSetCompressionQuality method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetCompressionQuality(MagickWand *wand, const unsigned long quality) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. qualityThe wand compression quality. MagickSetFilename() sets the filename before you read or write an image file. The format of the MagickSetFilename method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetFilename(MagickWand *wand, const char *filename) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. filenameThe image filename. MagickSetFormat() sets the format of the magick wand. The format of the MagickSetFormat method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetFormat(MagickWand *wand,const char *format) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. formatThe image format. MagickSetInterlaceScheme() sets the image compression. The format of the MagickSetInterlaceScheme method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetInterlaceScheme(MagickWand *wand, const InterlaceType interlace_scheme) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. interlace_schemeThe image interlace scheme: NoInterlace, LineInterlace, PlaneInterlace, PartitionInterlace. MagickSetOption() associates one or options with the wand (.e.g MagickSetOption(wand,"jpeg:perserve","yes")). The format of the MagickSetOption method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetOption(MagickWand *wand,const char *key, const char *value) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. keyThe key. valueThe value. MagickSetPageSize() sets the page geometry of the magick wand. The format of the MagickSetPage method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetPage(MagickWand *wand, const unsigned long width,const unsigned long height,const long x, const long y) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. widthThe page width. heightThe page height. xThe page x-offset. yThe page y-offset. MagickSetPassphrase() sets the passphrase. The format of the MagickSetPassphrase method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetPassphrase(MagickWand *wand, const char *passphrase) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. passphraseThe passphrase. MagickSetProgressMonitor() sets the wand progress monitor to the specified method and returns the previous progress monitor if any. The progress monitor method looks like this: MagickBooleanType MagickProgressMonitor(const char *text, const MagickOffsetType offset,const MagickSizeType span, void *client_data) If the progress monitor returns MagickFalse, the current operation is interrupted. The format of the MagickSetProgressMonitor method is: MagickProgressMonitor MagickSetProgressMonitor(MagickWand *wand const MagickProgressMonitor progress_monitor,void *client_data) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. progress_monitorSpecifies a pointer to a method to monitor progress of an image operation. client_dataSpecifies a pointer to any client data. MagickSetResourceLimit() sets the limit for a particular resource in megabytes. The format of the MagickSetResourceLimit method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetResourceLimit(const ResourceType type, const unsigned long *limit) A description of each parameter follows: typeThe type of resource: AreaResource, MemoryResource, MapResource, DiskResource, FileResource. o The maximum limit for the resource. MagickSetResolution() sets the image resolution. The format of the MagickSetResolution method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetResolution(MagickWand *wand, const double x_resolution,const doubtl y_resolution) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. x_resolutionThe image x resolution. y_resolutionThe image y resolution. MagickSetSamplingFactors() sets the image sampling factors. The format of the MagickSetSamplingFactors method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetSamplingFactors(MagickWand *wand, const unsigned long number_factors,const double *sampling_factors) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. number_factoesThe number of factors. sampling_factorsAn array of doubles representing the sampling factor for each color component (in RGB order). MagickSetSize() sets the size of the magick wand. Set it before you read a raw image format such as RGB, GRAY, or CMYK. The format of the MagickSetSize method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetSize(MagickWand *wand, const unsigned long columns,const unsigned long rows) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. columnsThe width in pixels. heightThe height in pixels. MagickSetType() sets the image type attribute. The format of the MagickSetType method is: MagickBooleanType MagickSetType(MagickWand *wand, const ImageType image_type) A description of each parameter follows: wandThe magick wand. image_typeThe image type: UndefinedType, BilevelType, GrayscaleType, GrayscaleMatteType, PaletteType, PaletteMatteType, TrueColorType, TrueColorMatteType, ColorSeparationType, ColorSeparationMatteType, or OptimizeType. |