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About ImageMagick
Command-line Tools
Program Interfaces
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GetColorInfoList() returns any colors that match the specified pattern. The format of the GetColorInfoList function is: const ColorInfo **GetColorInfoList(const char *pattern, unsigned long *number_colors,ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: patternSpecifies a pointer to a text string containing a pattern. number_colorsThis integer returns the number of colors in the list. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. GetColorList() returns any colors that match the specified pattern. The format of the GetColorList function is: char **GetColorList(const char *pattern,unsigned long *number_colors, ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: patternSpecifies a pointer to a text string containing a pattern. number_colorsThis integer returns the number of colors in the list. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. GetImageHistogram() returns the unique colors in an image. The format of the GetImageHistogram method is: unsigned long GetImageHistogram(const Image *image, unsigned long *number_colors,ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows. imageThe image. fileWrite a histogram of the color distribution to this file handle. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. GetMagickPixelPacket() initializes the MagickPixelPacket structure. The format of the GetMagickPixelPacket method is: GetMagickPixelPacket(const Image *image,MagickPixelPacket *pixel) A description of each parameter follows: imageThe image. pixelSpecifies a pointer to a PixelPacket structure. GetNumberColors() returns the number of unique colors in an image. The format of the GetNumberColors method is: unsigned long GetNumberColors(const Image *image,FILE *file, ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows. imageThe image. fileWrite a histogram of the color distribution to this file handle. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. IsGrayImage() returns MagickTrue if all the pixels in the image have the same red, green, and blue intensities. The format of the IsGrayImage method is: MagickBooleanType IsGrayImage(const Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: imageThe image. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. IsMonochromeImage() returns MagickTrue if all the pixels in the image have the same red, green, and blue intensities and the intensity is either 0 or QuantumRange. The format of the IsMonochromeImage method is: MagickBooleanType IsMonochromeImage(const Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: imageThe image. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. IsOpaqueImage() returns MagickTrue if none of the pixels in the image have an opacity value other than opaque (0). The format of the IsOpaqueImage method is: MagickBooleanType IsOpaqueImage(const Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: imageThe image. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. IsPaletteImage() returns MagickTrue if the image is PseudoClass and has 256 unique colors or less. The format of the IsPaletteImage method is: MagickBooleanType IsPaletteImage(const Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows. imageThe image. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. ListColorInfo() lists color names to the specified file. Color names are a convenience. Rather than defining a color by its red, green, and blue intensities just use a color name such as white, blue, or yellow. The format of the ListColorInfo method is: MagickBooleanType ListColorInfo(FILE *file,ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows. fileList color names to this file handle. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. LoadColorList() loads one or more color configuration file which provides a mapping between color attributes and a color name. The format of the LoadColorLists method is: MagickBooleanType LoadColorLists(const char *filename, ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: filenameThe font file name. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. QueryColorDatabase() returns the red, green, blue, and opacity intensities for a given color name. The format of the QueryColorDatabase method is: MagickBooleanType QueryColorDatabase(const char *name,PixelPacket *color, ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: nameThe color name (e.g. white, blue, yellow). colorThe red, green, blue, and opacity intensities values of the named color in this structure. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. QueryColorname() returns a named color for the given color intensity. If an exact match is not found, a hex value is return instead. For example an intensity of rgb:(0,0,0) returns black whereas rgb:(223,223,223) returns #dfdfdf. The format of the QueryColorname method is: MagickBooleanType QueryColorname(const Image *image, const PixelPacket *color,const ComplianceType compliance,char *name, ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows. imageThe image. colorThe color intensities. ComplianceAdhere to this color standard: SVG, X11, or XPM. nameReturn the color name or hex value. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. QueryMagickColor() returns the red, green, blue, and opacity intensities for a given color name. The format of the QueryMagickColor method is: MagickBooleanType QueryMagickColor(const char *name, MagickPixelPacket *color,ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: nameThe color name (e.g. white, blue, yellow). colorThe red, green, blue, and opacity intensities values of the named color in this structure. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. |